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Save Yourself Time, Money and Stress with a Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you been hurt in a motor vehicle accident that has left your bills piling up? Are you having trouble working due to your injuries and is your situation is getting more serious? If this sounds familiar, then you might want to think about getting professional help by hiring a personal injury lawyer in San Francisco to work on your case.

A personal injury lawyer can help you complete the insurance claim forms and deal with the insurance company. Going against an insurance company on your own is difficult. You can save yourself time, money, and stress with a personal injury lawyer.

Why Making a Claim Against an Insurance Company is Time Consuming, Expensive and Stressful?

How Auto Insurance Companies Work

A personal injury lawyer knows how the automobile insurance industry works when it comes to motor vehicle accident claims. The insurance company’s mission is to make sure the injured party (you) will get the lowest possible settlement, if any at all. This is what a claims adjuster’s job entails. They’re not there for you; they work for the insurance company – period.

If you tried to handle your personal injury case yourself instead of hiring a personal injury lawyer, you’d surely guarantee that the insurance company will accomplish its goal. If they know they’re not working with someone who knows how they operate, they’ll take advantage of your situation. Not only will this be stressful, but it also will take a lot of time and money.

What the insurance company will do is wear you down if you don’t have a personal injury lawyer. They will drag their feet, not answer your messages, and refuse to give you any money for your injuries and loss of income.

When you go up against an insurance company without a personal injury lawyer, the amount of your settlement could be less than what you’ve already spent on out-of-pocket medical expenses and the wages you’ve lost because you can’t work. Thus, you’ll be worse off than when you started the proceedings.

How a Personal Injury lawyer Works

Most, if not all, personal injury lawyers don’t charge an hourly fee when they work for someone who has been injured in a motor vehicle accident – yes, they work for you. They get paid by taking a percentage of the settlement monies that are paid by the insurance company. Thus, how much they get paid depends on how much money they get you for your accident.

If you don’t like this idea, consider that, if they don’t get a settlement for you, the personal injury lawyer you hire won’t get paid. They’re taking a huge risk while you’re not carrying any risk. But you reap all the benefits.

The Benefits of Hiring a personal injury lawyer

You’ll also get the settlement much faster with the assistance of a skilled personal injury lawyer.

  • You get a free consultation. You will meet with a personal injury lawyer and they will give you some advice and tell you if you have a case.
  • Your personal injury attorney will find out how much insurance the liable party has, and what compensation you’re entitled to.
  • A personal injury lawyer will make sure you’re getting compensated what you’re supposed to by your own insurance company.
  • Your attorney will help you with any subrogation claim issues. These are time consuming and very complicated.
  • Your lawyer will deal with the insurance company for you (for your injury claims, not property damage) – correspondence, phone calls, settlement negotiations, etc.
  • Your attorney knows how to negotiate, which is extremely important. They can help you decide if you should settle or go to court.
  • Your personal injury lawyer is there for you when you need to talk. Litigation is stressful without someone who is knowledgeable enough to help you through.

This is what a personal injury lawyer in San Francisco does. They make sure people, such as yourself, who were injured by someone else’s negligence are compensated, and they hold the injuring party accountable. They don’t care how big, or how much money the opposing party has – insurance companies don’t scare them. When they see a wrong, they want to make it right.