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Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyers in Pasadena: What You Need to Know

Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyers in Pasadena: What You Need to Know

What is Pregnancy Discrimination?

Pregnancy discrimination is any form of unequal treatment or harassment based on an employee’s pregnancy status. This includes instances such as when employers deny a pregnant woman essential job benefits, fail to provide reasonable accommodations for her pregnancy, or discriminate against her because she plans to become or has already become a parent.

Finding the Right Attorney for You

It is important that you find pregnancy discrimination lawyers Pasadena who not only know the laws surrounding pregnancy discrimination but also have experience litigating these cases. A good way to start is by asking friends and family for referrals. When researching attorneys online, be sure to read reviews from other clients who have had similar experiences. It can also be helpful to review the website of each attorney you are considering hiring; most will have information about their experience with pregnancy discrimination cases and other relevant areas of expertise.

Potential Outcomes

When filing a claim against an employer for pregnancy discrimination, there are several potential outcomes depending on the specifics of your case. These include compensation for lost wages or damages suffered due to discrimination, reinstatement at work with back pay, and changes to company policies related to pregnancy-related issues. Your pregnancy discrimination lawyers Pasadena will be able to advise you on which outcome would be best suited for your particular situation.


If you live and work in Pasadena and believe that you have experienced workplace discrimination based on your pregnancy status, it is important that you seek legal assistance as soon as possible. Experienced pregnancy discrimination lawyers Pasadena can help ensure that your rights are protected and guide you through the process of filing a claim against your employer if necessary. Be sure to research all potential candidates carefully before deciding which one is right for you; this will ensure that your attorney has both the experience and expertise necessary for successful representation in your case. Good luck!